Dec 22, 2011

Oh baby!

Im having a difficult time choosing a designer bag that I like... Help me kids, this is a potentially life changing decision!

When we go to Europe next year, im going to invest and buy my first designer bag.

Here is what I like so far...




Louis Vuitton

Dec 21, 2011


When I was in Las Vegas, I bought a bikini from a brand called Syrup. It is my favourite bikini, and now that its heating up in Sydney, im regretting not buying more. The one I bought cost me around 350, but it is so well made and unique that it was really worth it.

I miss the shopping in the states...

Dec 15, 2011

Ruthie Davis

Holy Shit ladies and gentlemen, I have died and gone to shoe heaven! I have found my true love - RUTHIE DAVIES MARRY ME!


So cute, fun and flirty

I need these shorts for summer

This outfit is to die for!

The most AMAZING figure of all time!

Pictures from weheartit

Dec 12, 2011

A bit of sparkle brightens everyone's day

We went to a friends engagement party on Saturday night. I was originally going to wear a plain blue navy dress and accessorise it with some fancy jewellery. Luckily my sister and I went shopping Saturday morning and she picked out this gorgeous strapless silver sequin dress for me. I was sceptical at first that I would be able to pull it off. My hubby loved the dress and I had so many compliments on the night.. the mos fabulous thing about this dress?? It only cost me $30... Proof that you don't need to spend big to look great!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Here is a pic of Hubby and I at the party x

And one of just me 

Dec 9, 2011

Body, Rubi, Typo!

I just have to share my love for the following stores - Cotton on Body, Rubi Shoes and Typo. All owned by Cotton On.

As much as I love to drool over designer labels, I must also confess that I drool equally over cheap chain stores. A cheap shop that whenever I feel like I want to spend some cash (without breaking into my piggy bank) I can go to, find something that is good quality and satisfy that urge.

They are currently having a sale of 30% off up until 12 December. So if you have some time this weekend, check out their website and get yourself some bargains!

Here is the direct link -

Some of my faves from their site-

Jenny Dress $20.97

This whole outfit is perfect for Summer!

Barrel Bag $17.47
Perfect to use as a beach bag or an overnighter

Adhesive tags - $3.47
Could definitely use these on some of
the work that lands on my desk

Lucky Lanterns $13.97
Perfect to decorate any room of the house

Sassy heels - $49.95
Did someone some perfect party heel?

Dec 7, 2011

Playing catch up

So I havent checked my Bloglovin in a few days, and I have 345 unread blog posts! I really am subscribed to lots of blogs. Cant wait to read them all over a cup of tea... or 2!

I have been so busy planning my Europe trip. I just got my leave approved from work yesterday! YAY! Im hoping to book some accommodation today in Paris and Barcelona... I have spent hours on the internet researching all about these cities. Turns out that the day we land in Paris is the day that the Tour de France race ends! That will be an interesting way to start our holiday.. Would love to watch them ride into the finish line at the Champs Elysees.

So while I make a cup of tea and catch up on my blog posts, here are some amazing pics that I have found of a few of the cities we are planning on visiting next year.

All pics from weheartit

Dec 2, 2011

Tea Dilemma

So, I have a bit of dilemma - I cant choose a style of teapot. I know, I know, this isn't really a dilemma, but to me it is.

For me, having a cup of tea is a reason to unwind, to relax, it brings a sense of comfort. A chance for me to focus on myself for a few minutes. So choosing a teapot is important because it will add to the atmosphere of this 'me' time. After all, I cannot unwind with ugly things around me.

So, here are my options as I see them.. What would you choose?